Today’s meditation is inspired by the Gandhi blessing and the traditional
Metta blessing:
May I have air to breath – clean, clear and abundant.
May I have food to eat – pure, wholesome and healthy.
May I have family to love – joyful, gracious and extended.
May I have work to do – worthwhile, satisfying and appreciated.
May I know beauty, music, laughter and reverence in every experience.
May you have air to breath – clean, clear and abundant.
May you have food to eat – pure, wholesome and healthy.
May you have family to love – joyful, gracious and extended.
May you have work to do – worthwhile, satisfying and appreciated.
May you know beauty, music, laughter and reverence in every experience.
May all have air to breath – clean, clear and abundant.
May all have food to eat – pure, wholesome and healthy.
May all have family to love – joyful, gracious and extended.
May all have work to do – worthwhile, satisfying and appreciated.
May all know beauty, music, laughter and reverence in every experience.
if this resonates with you, please take 15-20 minutes to sit in the silence
with these words and feel the peace that is the inevitable result of their
Love and blessings,
Rev. Sharri